Incident Report Letter

Whenever an incident arises in a certain area or district, the local police would usually note that down in their blotter (a logbook that is often used to note the certain accident) and provide the gist of what went down in that certain accident. An incident report provides the parties concerned with a clear outlook on how the incident occurred and what can be done to prevent it from occurring again in the near future. Here is a list of templates that you can use to properly draft an incident report. Keep scrolling!

What is an Incident Report Letter?

An Incident Report Letter is a formal document detailing an event or occurrence, typically used in workplaces or institutions. It outlines the facts, circumstances, and repercussions of an incident, such as accidents, injuries, security breaches, or any noteworthy event. This letter provides a clear account of what transpired, including date, time, location, individuals involved, and a description of the incident. It serves as a record for future reference, investigation, or legal purposes.

Best Example of Incident Report Letter?

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

Subject: Incident Report Regarding [Describe Incident Briefly]

I am writing to report an incident that occurred on [Date] at approximately [Time] in [Location]. I was a witness to the event and wanted to provide a detailed account for documentation purposes.

Incident Details:

Actions Taken:


Please find attached [if applicable: photographs, additional documentation] for your reference.

I am available to provide further information or clarification if needed. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

1. Free Incident Report Letter Example

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9. Simple Security Incident Report Example

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10. Free Incident Report Example

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11. Free Sample Incident Report Letter In Hospital

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12. Free Incident Report Letter In Office

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13. General Incident Report Example

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Following Protocol

1. Obtain the proper forms from your institution

Each company follows a different procedure on how incident reports should be written. It is best to try and get the proper forms issued from your respective supervisor or officer in-charge. If it does have a specific format, then it is best you analyze as to how it is written.

2. Start the report as soon as possible

Have you ever heard: “Striking the iron while it is hot”? It shares the same philosophy. If you wait a day or two before you start filling up the incident report, Your memory might start getting a little hazy. The best time to draft up an incident report would be an hour or less after it happened while your memory is still fresh. You may also check out service report examples

3. Provide the basic facts

As mentioned before, in the police blotter, the gist of the accident is given which normally involves the 5Ws and 1H: what, when, where, who, why (sometimes) and how. Here are some other details that you might want to include in the incident report:

4. Include a line about the general nature of the incident

Explain in detail the events that seemed to transpire before the event, during the event and what happened after the incident. Did something strange catch your eye? Were you able to get a call from a certain someone? Write that down.

19. General Incident Report Example

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File Format

Describing What Happened

1. Write a first-person narrative telling what happened

After following protocol as to how you will go about writing your report, it is then time to draft your incident report. Remember to sequence all the events that have transpired in order so that the concerned parties can be able to keep track properly of what happened first to what happened last.

2. Be thorough

It is not only your job to be accurate, but also to be thorough and precise on the reactions that you see. For example, instead of saying “when I arrived, his face was red,” you could say, “when I arrived, he was yelling, out of breath, and his face was red with anger.” The second example is better than the first because many reasons can explain why his face was red at the time. It can be that he was blushing or maybe laughing too hard.

3. Be accurate

As mentioned before, accuracy is very important. If you are positive that you saw a certain action with your own two eyes, then list that down. If it came from an eyewitness, it is best if you indicate in the report for it to be verified by the local authorities. And since it came from a source that is not your own, it is better to classify that as a not proven fact. Check out termination letter examples & samples too.

4. Be clear

Make sure that when you write, it is straight to the point. Do not try to use flowery language to make your report sound pretty. You are not aiming to write a book. Although it is important to keep the report short and simple, it should also be concise and clear with sufficient details so that it will not be confusing later on what you are trying to file in the report.

5. Be honest

Transparency is very critical in writing your report. When you are being honest in your report, it means that you are not hiding something. It means that everything that you have to report is already listed down, giving a full and complete report on what occurred. You may also see report form examples & samples