Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate in Science Degree

DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL SONOGRAPHY PROGRAM MISSION STATEMENT. The Department of Radiologic Technology will provide occupational training in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. The purpose of this instruction is to qualify the student for examination by the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonography and to prepare the student for gainful employment in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. To earn the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Associate Degree, the student must: 1) satisfactorily complete by the end of the Spring semester all college requirements for an Associate Degree General Education requirements with a grade of C or better in each course or have completed an Associate Degree or higher. This includes: Written Communication and Analytical Thinking, (6 units) ENGL 100 3 units, CIS 111 3 units, MATH to meet GE 3 units, BIOL 210 5 units, Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability 3 units, Reading Proficiency 3 units, Social Sciences, any choice, 6 units. 2)Satisfactorily complete the prerequisite courses by the end of the Spring semester with a grade of C or better in each course: RADT 142 C Radiologic Electronics, 4 units RADT 153 C Patient Care, 3 units HS 145 C Medical Terminology, 3 units HS 147 C Survey of Disease, 3 units *DMS 160 C Introduction to Sonography all major course requirements with a grade of C or better; (3) the Social Justice, Equity and Sustainability and reading requirements; (4) any elective courses to complete a minimum of 60 units; and (5) have a minimum GPA of 2.0. At least 50% of all major course work must be completed at Cypress College. Total Units Required, 40 units. Note: All General Education and prerequisite courses must be completed by the application deadline. This degree requires a total of 74.5 units.

Course List
Code Title Units
SEMESTER 1 (18 units):
DMS 170 CSonography Physics3.5
DMS 175 CAbdomen Sonography4
DMS 172 CSonography Externship4
RADT 262 CCross-Sectional Imaging (May be taken prior to enrollment in the program.) 1 1
DMS 165 CEthical and Legal Issues (May be taken prior to enrollment in the program.)1.5
DMS 163 CScanning Lab I1
SEMESTER 2 (19 units):
DMS 176 CPathology and Small Parts3
DMS 186 C Obstetric and Gynecology Sonography4
DMS 207 CClinical Education I8
DMS 183 CScanning Lab II1
DMS 188 CVenous Doppler Ultrasound1.5
DMS 217 CClinical Education II7
SEMESTER 3 (15 units):
DMS 227 CClinical Training III11
DMS 195 CCarotid and Arterial Sonograph4
SEMESTER 4 (14 units):
DMS 210 CAdvanced Sonography Topics3
DMS 237 CClinical Education IV11
Total Units68.5

Program Student Learning Outcomes:

OUTCOME 1: Acquire the workforce preparation skills and knowledge, including abdomen, small parts, obstetrics, and gynecology scanning, necessary for employment in the field of sonography

North Orange County
Community College District

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Anaheim, CA 92801-1819
Phone: (714) 808-4500