Java Program to Print a New Line in String

Java is the most powerful programming language, by which we can perform many tasks and Java is an industry preferable language. So it is filled with a huge amount of features. Here we are going to discuss one of the best features of Java, that is how to print a new line in a string using Java.


There are many ways to print new line in string been illustrated as below:

  1. Using System.lineSeparator() method
  2. Using platform-dependent newline character
  3. Using System.getProperty() method
  4. Using %n newline character
  5. Using System.out.println() method

Let us discuss them individually in detail.

Method 1: Using System.lineSeparator() method



// Java program to print a new line in string // Using System.lineSeparator() method // Main class // Main Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) // Calling the System.lineSeparator() function to // print newline in between some specified strings String newline = System.lineSeparator(); // Printing new line System.out.println( "GFG" + newline + "gfg" ); Output
GFG gfg

Method 2: Using platform-dependent newline character.

Note: Here the new line character is “\n” for Unix and “\r\n” for Windows OS.



// Java program to print a new line in string // Using platform-dependent Newline Character // Main class // Main Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) // Using new line Character '\n' to print // new line in between strings System.out.println( "GFG" + '\n' + "gfg" ); Output
GFG gfg

Method 3: Using System.getProperty() method. Here this function uses the value of the system property “line.separator”, which returns the system-dependent line separator string.



// Java program to print a new line in string // Main Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) // Calling System.getProperty() function Over The // parameter for the value of the system property "line.separator", // which returns the system-dependent line separator string. String newline = System.getProperty( "line.separator" ); // Printing new line between two strings System.out.println( "GFG" + newline + "gfg" );


GFG gfg

Method 4: Using %n newline character

Note: Here this newline character is used along with the printf() function.



// Java program to print a new line in string // Using %n Newline Character // Importing input output classes import*; // Main class // Main Driver Code public static void main(String[] args) // Printing new line using new line // Character "%n" with the printf() method System.out.printf( "GFG%ngfg" ); Output
GFG gfg

Method-5: Using System.out.println() method.



// Java program to print a new line in string // Using System.out.println() method // Main class // Main driver method public static void main(String[] args) // Printing new line using // System.out.println() function // over custom string inputs System.out.println( "GFG" ); System.out.println( "gfg" ); Output
GFG gfg
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